Event Series Swedish Massages

Swedish Massages

We’re excited to announce that 45-minute Swedish massage appointments will now be available. You can make appointments the last week of the month for the following month. There is a […]

Event Series Swedish Massages

Swedish Massages

We’re excited to announce that 45-minute Swedish massage appointments will now be available. You can make appointments the last week of the month for the following month. There is a […]

Event Series Yoga


Join Trish for this intermediate yoga class.  Classes change weekly and never repeat! Yoga is excellent for working on flexibility, strength, and balance. This class requires some experience. Make sure […]

Event Series Canasta

Beginner Canasta

Join us every Tuesday for a new beginner-friendly Canasta class. Learn a new card game and have fun with some new or old friends at this weekly social event. We […]

Event Series Canasta


Join us every Wednesday for a round or two of Canasta. We provide the cards, so bring a friend and have some fun!

Event Series Reiki


Every Tuesday of the month, we will have Tina Welling, an experienced Reiki practitioner, providing Reiki healing sessions. Reiki is a soothing energy experience that involves no touching. Sessions will […]

Event Series Strength with Jo

Strength with Jo

Join Jo for a class that focuses on honing your strength and toning your muscles. This class is every Tuesday of the month! To join the class from home, click […]

Event Series Wednesday Tech Tutor

Wednesday Tech Tutor

If you have questions about working your phone, tablet, or laptop, this is the place to get them answered! One-on-one assistance with your handheld devices and computers. Appointments with the […]

Event Series Tai Chi

Tai Chi

This gentle, low-impact class is a great way to improve your balance, agility, and flexibility while releasing stress. Tai chi is a type of martial art and is a series […]

Event Series Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Join this popular interval training class for an intense, full-body workout! This active class offers a combination of strength, agility, and balance exercises. Our fitness classes are offered in person […]