(307) 733-7300
830 E. Hansen
PO Box 4677
Jackson, Wyoming 83001
Monday-Thursday: 8am-4pm
Friday 8am-3pm
Don't miss Charlie's Movement and Strength class! A mixture of strength training and cardio fitness. Participants may be swinging kettlebells, lifting weights overhead, doing step work, or even getting up and off the ground. All to the sound of classic rock, disco, and pop hits!!! All skill levels are welcome!
Weekly blood pressure checks can help you live a longer, healthier life. Our Registered Nurse from the Home Care team will be here every Monday to give you those life-lengthening checks. Appointments are first come, first served – no pre-registration is required. FREE for members.
Mexican Salad Bar & Soup Flat Bread Snickerdoodle Breakfast Entree: Egg Bake
This class is 12 weeks long and a twice-weekly commitment, but it is well worth the sacrifice. Learn to walk better by improving balance, posture, and gait. You must sign up for this class in advance and be ready for the commitment. All skill levels are welcome! This class will begin on March 3rd.
Join Charlie for Circuit Training! Participants will combine strength training and cardio fitness through a series of stations, each with its own fun activity. All skill levels are welcome. Have some fun and get sweaty with your friends.
An active yoga class emphasizing core strength and stability using body weight and stability ball exercises. Click here for Zoom. Passcode: 1XmKsY
(307) 733-7300
830 E. Hansen
PO Box 4677
Jackson, Wyoming 83001
Monday-Thursday: 8am-4pm
Friday 8am-3pm